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New Year's Day Book Giveaway

Out with the old, in with the new! To make room for 2013 review books, this year's stack must go. I need your help to find these wonderful new old books a home.

Please nominate a group or agency in need of baby books in the comments section below--your child's day care center or a nursery school or a local literacy organization, for example. I'll choose a winner at random then post two packages--one to you as a thank you, packed with the 5 books pictured in my December 22 blog post, and one to your nominee, packed with the books below:

All Gone!, I Went Walking, Kiki's Blanket, No More Blanket for Lambkin!, What Can I Hear?, Giddy Up, Li'l Buckaroos! and Ahoy, Li'l Buccaneers!, four Noodle books, Peek-a-boo!, Pat the Bunny, Peek-a Who?, Baby Play, I Kissed the Baby!, Kiss Good Night, Chicky Chicky Chook Chook, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Meeow and the Pots and Pans, Mother Goose, One Moose, Twenty Mice, The Apple Pie That Papa Baked, The Enormous Potato, The Gigantic Turnip, Bear Says Thanks, Time to Say "Please"!, Chicken Little, Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin and the Little Turkey Finger Puppet Book

The official rules: No purchase necessary. Enter via the comments section below. One entry per person or nominating agency. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. The giveaway begins today, December 28, 2012, and runs through 12:00 midnight Pacific Standard Time, Friday, January 4, 2013. Open to residents of the United States age 18 or older at time of entry. Void where prohibited by law. The winner will be announced on January 5, 2013. If the winner forfeits or does not claim the books, all books will be donated to an agency in need as determined by me.
Read in the new year!


  1. Hi Linda,
    Thanks for the invite for the books giveaway. I'd love to enter Kirin's school for Pre-K in the drawing. Bellingrath Hills Elementary in Central. His teacher is Mrs. Molly Blackwell. I bought books for their class at Kirin's recent school book fair. She was most appreciative.
    Thanks again for a chance in the giveaway.
    Peggy Biggs

  2. Hello Mrs. McInnis! I am Karen's friend from WashU and think this is just the coolest thing you're doing! My mom, Kathleen Williams, works for the Cancer Support Community and she does children programs for kids whose parents are going through cancer treatment. This would be such an awesome addition to her program!
    Hope you are well and happiest of new years to you and yours!!

    Elizabeth Williams

    1. Hi Elizabeth. Thanks for signing on and entering your mom's program!

  3. Hi Linda! Happy New Year! I would like to nominate the Orphanage I am visiting in Honduras - House of Love in Comaugua Honduras. There are 26 children in the orphanage, about 7 being under 5 years old. These children would love to have their own book and I would love for the to each have their own book to snuggle with each night as they fall asleep.

    Thanks - Happy New Year! So enjoying Karen here with Matthew.

  4. Wow! I am wishing I had three sets of books to deliver. We were so happy to see Matt as well. Check back on January 5th!

  5. FYI to everyone entering the giveaway:

    Check the comments section to be sure that your nomination is actually published! You can comment through a pre-existing google/gmail or blog account. Or, you can choose to comment anonymously if you do not have a compatible account. If you comment anonymously, be sure to leave your name and contact information!

    Even if you click the "publish" button after typing your comment and signing in, be sure to check the bottom of the next page. It's possible that you will still see a preview of your comment and have to press "publish" again for it to go through!

    If you have any trouble, feel free to e-mail Linda at!

    1. I have heard there have been difficulties posting comments. Hopefully Karen M's note helps. One correction: The email address is linda.mcinnis at gmail dot com, not lindamcinnis at gmail dot com

      You can also contact me by clicking the photo next to "About Me" on the sidebar on the upper right. Click my name. Click "Email." Please do write if problems persist. I can submit an entry for you.

      Good luck all! Thank you, Karen!

  6. Hi Mrs. McInnis! I am another of Karen's friends from Wash U and she messaged me about your giveaway. Thank you for this opportunity! I would like to nominate my friend Descea Delong's Montessori classroom in the Lockland School District. She teaches children ages 3-5 in a low income area where many of the students are learning English. She would be so grateful for the books. If my nomination is drawn, Karen can give you my contact information.
    Thanks again and Happy New Year!
    Leslie Wallace

  7. Hi! Learned of your blog through Donna Elmore! Lots of valuable interesting information for sure! For your give-away I too would like to nominate House of Love...the orphanage in Honduras. The opportunity for a child to receive a book of their own for the very first time warms my heart. Thank you for your kindness and generosity...books are meant to be shared! My name is Annette Lewin and my information can be obtained from Donna Elmore if my nomination is drawn!

  8. A great match! Thank you for entering. Check back on the 5th to see if you've won.

  9. Hello Linda, What a wonderful opportunity and also a wonderful blog. I would like to nominate Jesus Hope of Romania. My name is Jeanne Cowan and I am a contact in the United States for this organization. This organization brings in little ones off the streets and helps to get them in school and get them in family situations, and see that they get proper care. We raise support for them and also help get clothing and shoes for them.
    These children would be so happy to have some books to read. There are approximately 10 children at staying at the home currently that are ages 2-7.

    Thank you for considering this as an option for your project.
    Jeanne Cowan

  10. Hi Linda,

    What a terrific give-away. I'd like to nominate Kelli's KinderCare center. They have a wonderfully dedicated staff who take care of and teach a wide range of children -- from infants to pre-K.

    The center's address is 158 Westbrook Road, Essex, CT 06426; Heather Kjos is the Center Director.

    Thanks again!
    Betsy McHaley-Hofler

    1. Thanks for the nomination! KinderCare is a perfect age match.

  11. Hi Linda I would like to see House of Love in Honduras get these books These children have a great appreciation for learning I am hoping that they can cherish these with their American teachers next visit Thanks Judy Dugan

  12. This is a very nice way of sharing some good books!
    House of Love in Honduras.

    Jim Elmore

  13. I am nominating for Judy A.. She would like to enter Wilmington Head Start where she reads weekly to preschoolers for Read Aloud Delaware. Thanks, Judy!

  14. Hi Linda
    I am nominating Donna Elmore a teacher a Penn London Elementary to receive the generous offer of books so that she can take them with her as she travels to Honduas. I am the librarian at Penn London where Donna is also a teacher. As a librarian I would love to see the children in the orphanage enjoy all that books can offer!
    I appreciate your consideration:-) Happy New Year!


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