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Baby Book Recalls

The following board or cloth books have been recalled from the market due to  possible choke or lead exposure hazards. Click on product links below for more information. You'll note that many recall notices are several years old. Older books circulate as hand-me-downs and yard sale finds.

Monday the Bullfrog Plush Book
Gund animals, numbers, colors
Priddy Trucks Shaker Teether Book
Little Builder Children's Board Book Sets with toys
Discover Bunny Book
Zowie's 123
Disney's Winnie the Pooh A Very Merry Christmas


  1. Wow, that's a lot of recalls. I believe we already returned the Amazing Baby ones and I don't recognize the others, but thanks for the info.

    You left a comment on my blog -- thanks! And from what you're describing (the book read by Captain Kangaroo about the boy sucking lemons and ruining the parade), I believe it sounds like LENTIL by Robert McCloskey. Look for it and let me know if that's what you were thinking.


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