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Max's First Word

This is my favorite out-of-print board book. Hands down. If you act fast you can purchase a new (old) copy from for $2,095.01. That's right. A steal! Maybe I should put my copy in a safe, but then I'd have to buy the safe.
Max's one word was BANG!
No, Max, said his sister, Ruby. Say CUP.
BANG, said Max.
Ruby wants to expand Max's toddling vocabulary. She points to and labels a cup, a pot, a broom, a fish, an EGG EGG EGG EGG, a chair, and an apple. She eyes Max expectantly. BANG, says Max, to each word request, though he takes a bite from the apple. Ruby urges, YUM YUM, Max. Say YUM YUM. Delicious! says Max. It appears Max knows more than he's let on all along.

Rosemary Wells captures the voice and attitude of very young children perfectly. In fact, Max and Ruby were drawn from her children in real time. Wonderful illustrations and book dialogue aside, I love how Max reminds us that every child operates on his or her own speech time table. Max's First Word was first published in 1979 and re-released in 1998 and 2004 with new illustrations.

Look for used out-of-print books at libraries, yard sales, community book swaps, and online booksellers such as Alibris, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. For example, today, used copies of Max's First Word in fair and good condition are on sale at Alibris for 99 cents.

What was your baby's first word?


  1. I can't believe it's selling for that much on Amazon!! Hold onto yours. And ahaha about buying a safe.

    My kids' first words? In both cases, it was Da-Da. And I was the one who spent all my time with them. That was the thanks I got! :)

    1. What is it about dads? My first's first word was truck--a commuter baby. My second and third were twins and I don't remember their first words, which likely they said to one another, not me. I do, however, remember being tired!


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